Saturday, January 11, 2020

Hey everyone! I hope you all are having a happy New Year!

January. What do you think of when you hear that word? Probably snow, new resolutions, and going back to school. This year, I think of REST. Relaxation. After a busy December of holiday prep, wedding prep, cleaning house, finishing school, travelling, and wrapping presents, all I want to do is cuddle under a blanket and watch movies for 3 days and EAT.

One of my favorite things to eat is breakfast. I LOVE almost all breakfast foods. Pancakes, waffles, scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, oatmeal, toast and marmalade....mmm. It's all so good! Yet with my allergies, it's hard to eat these things. This is why I find substitutes.

Waffles are one of my favorite things to eat in the morning. And since I can't eat wheat, that kinda makes having these a problem. So my sisters and I experimented with different recipes and concoctions to try and find a good allergy-free recipe. And we did! This is one of my favorite recipes for waffles. Very easy to make and very good to eat!

Gluten Free Oat Waffles 

1 1/2 c oat flour*
2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
pinch of cinnamon
3/4 c milk (almond or coconut work well)
5 Tbsp melted dairy free butter/coconut oil
2 eggs (Egg free option: 2 Tbsp flaxseed + 6 Tbsp water)
1 tsp vanilla
2 Tbsp maple syrup

Mix dry ingredients. Add wet.  Cook and Enjoy!

Makes approximately 4 waffles

*You can make your own oat flour by grinding oats in a food blender.

 I hope this recipe works out for you as well as it turned out for me! Enjoy!

Happy New Year!

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Hey Everyone!

Sorry it's been soo long since I last posted! School has kept me pretty busy the past few weeks, and doing home construction at the same time isn't an easy feat. FYI: Don't try remodeling and chemistry at the same time. ;)

School, though, also means the turning of the season. Autumn is one of my favorite seasons (I guess I really don't have a favorite. I love all of them!.) The luscious reds, golden browns, bright oranges, and happy yellows always bring a smile to my face whenever I step outside.

Autumn was a time of hard work but also of fun while I was growing up. My family used to rake all the leaves in our front yard into one big pile, sometimes 8 or 10 feet high. Then we would have so much fun jumping into the leaf pile. Of course, everyone who has raked leaves know that when you pack leaves down, they are SO hard to rake up. That's when the work part would come in.

But who cares?! Jumping and cartwheeling into leaves is worth it!

Another thing I love about fall is two words: PUMPKIN SPICE.

Now, I know some of you are saying, "Ugh, pumpkin spice only belongs in pumpkin pie. I don't get the whole excitement about it." My dad sympathizes with you. I once went to the store with him and found Pumpkin Spice Fribreze. Somehow, *ahem*, it found it's way into the cart and home.

But my glory didn't last long. My little sister got a hold of it and used WAY too much in our basement. We couldn't go down there for a week cause it stunk to high heaven!

Needless to say, not everything pumpkin is bad. I love the taste of pumpkin spice in pie, bread, or even coffee. It is like drinking in the warm golden rays of sunshine while standing in a pumpkin patch. That first sip or bite of wonderful goodness that fills your mouth in a burst of spices.

Why post about pumpkins and colors? Why not? When we go outside, we see evidence of a Heavenly Creator and a Majestic Designer. Fall is when all the true colors of leaves shine forth. He alone created those wonderful and intricate designs that fill our hearts with wonder and awe at the sight of His gentle yet powerful hand. God also created cinnamon and nutmeg. The warm spiciness of them open your eyes to His masterful workmanship of such small things.

This season, don't get bogged down with school or an extra workload. Take time to step outside to see God's handiwork. He is in control of everything you can see, including yourself. When you feel depressed, remember that God never gives you more than you can handle. He cares about the sparrows and the color of the leaves; He cares about you too.

I hope you all enjoy this autumn!

Saturday, July 27, 2019

I personally can't wait for this book to come out! Once Upon a Twist Tales series takes a brand new perspective on classic fairy tales. If you haven't read her first book, Rose and the Balloon, check out her blog or find it on Amazon.

That's all folks!

Friday, July 5, 2019

Happy (belated) Fourth of July!

Hope everyone had a wonderful day yesterday full of cake, potato salad, and fireworks. My family and I spent most the week visiting my grandparents in New Jersey. While we were there, we took a side detour and spent a day in Ocean City on the Boardwalk!

My Dad and I are in the center. :) 

While I was enjoying a bucket of french fries and sight-seeing, I started watching the people on the Boardwalk. Some were enjoying the food stands and souvenir shops, some were swimming in the sparkling ocean. They seemed to be happy, but it was only temporary. So many people try to fill their lives with material things that really only make it more empty. The one thing that will fill that hole with true joy and happiness is Christ. 

So many times I find myself unhappy with life. I try to fill my spare time with movies or books, even playing with my family, but it makes me even more wanting. I realized that my gaze was turned toward the world and wanting fulfillment from temporary happiness. God is the true Maker of joy. He alone can fill that gaping hole. 

So, the question is, what is the source of your joy? Is it fun vacations or gourmet foods, spending time with people or being with a good book? This really cuts deep into my heart, and hopefully yours as well. Keep your eyes turned upward and find your joy in Christ. There's no reason we shouldn't have a good time with friends, but make sure you don't make that the source of your joy.

I hope this post was an encouragement to you! 

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Hey there! Welcome to my blog, With a Cherry on Top!

You're probably wondering why I picked such a name. It's not rocket science, I just picked it because I love cherries, and my family calls me Cherry. And it makes you think of ice cream, which is kinda the closest thing you can get to hand-held happiness. Of course,  I'm allergic to dairy, so it would have to be coconut milk or something like that.


Before we get into any other details or chocolate fudge, let me tell you a little bit about myself. My name is Cherry Joy, and I am a something-teen year old with a good old fashioned imagination. I love baking, reading, spending time with my family, and of course, eating! In addition to a dairy allergy, I also am allergic to wheat and dust, and have eczema. I have five siblings, an adorable niece, a bubbly nephew, and the best parents on this side of the galaxy. I love my Heavenly Father, who saved me and sent His Holy Spirit to live in me. 

The purpose of this blog is really simple. I am no writer, but I'll try my best to make all of my posts interesting and easy to read. I'll be posting recipes, mostly AF (allergy-free) ones, and telling my story about living with no ice cream or doughnuts for 8 years. I will also try to spread encouragement through some of my favorite psalms and verses from the Bible. Other posts will probably include pictures of random things and such like. 

For now, I will let you readers decide if this blog is really sprinkle good. 

Ta ta for now!